Why is silence so powerful? - with Ben Zruel Have you ever stopped to think about how powerful silence is? It is in silence that we find answers to life's biggest questions. It is in this silence that we find peace, comfort and sometimes even discomfort, but it leads us to think about what we can change in our lives. In this video, we will explore how silence can be a powerful tool for reflection, inner connection and even to boost your communication and leadership. Inspired by the timeless teachings of Jim Rohn, I share insights on how silence can help us make better decisions, strengthen our focus and create moments of personal transformation. Discover how to apply this wisdom in your daily life to live with more clarity, purpose and balance, share these powerful teachings with friends and family. .. .. #benzruel #bensincero #comoserrico Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▼Follow Ben Zruel on Social Media ▼ • Official Website » http://benzruel.com.br • Telegram » http://benzruel.com.br/telegram • https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ???? Subscribe to the Channel ????A production: NPD Marketing Digital Website: https://www.npddesign.com.br/ Instagram: / npdmkt YouTube: @npddesign ..