What many people call "love" often has nothing to do with real love. In the video, I discuss the reasons for the formation of misunderstandings about love. #psychology #self-awareness #personal growth #love #love #relationships #helpful #advice #ArevikHayrapetyan ——————————————————————————————————————— ——————— Arevik Hayrapetyan is a self-knowledge and self-realization mentor and coach. On KaizenTV, he shares advice that will help you achieve your goals, create healthy and harmonious relationships, and live a happy and fulfilling life. Kaizen Mastery official website: ✅ https://www.kaizenmastery.com/ Arevik Hayrapetyan on social media. ✅ LinkedIn: / arevikhayrapetyan ✅ For individual work with Arevik Hayrapetyan, you need to fill out the online questionnaire, the links of which can be found below. Individual work with Arevik Hayrapetyan ✅ https://forms.gle/8qnN6PgcRUdoXdvc6 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship with Arevik Hayrapetyan ✅ https://forms.gle/R2xFTwqDdCi29a7m7