Click here to watch the full program (42 minutes): https://bit.ly/3TNqfeO 10-day free trial available: http://bit.ly/3X5XMzD NewsPicks NewSchool is now accepting new students. For more information, click here: https://newschool.newspicks.com/ _____ *This course was held in May 2024. This is the second lecture on the essence of money, "True Financial Theory," with economic analyst Kohei Morinaga as the lecturer. The themes of this lecture are as follows: 1. The essence of the country's debt Why is the logic that "Japan will go bankrupt if we do not repay the national debt" wrong? What is the new policy that is causing suffering to the people under the guise of the claim of financial bankruptcy? 2. Asset management that can be done from tomorrow In this day and age when various investment techniques are overflowing on the Internet, what are the "three major principles of asset management" that anyone can put into practice? 3. To protect assets from investment fraud From now on, money will not only be "saved" and "increased" but also "protected." Morinaga will dissect the shocking methods of investment fraud, which are on the rise, including his own experiences. To use money properly, without unnecessary fear. This is a must-see lecture for all business people. #newschool #KoheiMorinaga #investment #economy #NikkeiAverage #NewNISA #weakyen #strongyen #finance #stockprice #austerity #activefiscal