WITH JEANNE GUIEN The thousands of tons of garbage littering the sidewalks since the garbage collectors' strike have highlighted the spectacular amount of trash we throw away every day. These piles of rubbish that persist in growing day by day before our eyes force us to face the usually invisible counterpart of our consumption patterns. Jeanne Guien has a doctorate in philosophy and works on the issues of obsolescence and consumerism. In her work, she tells the story and the economy of the disposable and she invites us to question the very notion of waste. What do we put in our trash cans? Why do we produce so much waste? Why do we need to throw away? Also with Baptiste Monsaingeon, sociologist References: Jeanne Guien, Le consumérisme à travers ses objets. Cups, display cases, tissues, smartphones and deodorants, Divergences, 2021 Jeanne Guien, A history of menstrual products, Divergences, 2023 Jeanne Guien, “To take or to leave?”, EchoGéo, 47 2019, Jeanne Guien, Dirty punk, in Penser avec le Punk,, directed by Catherine Guesde, Puf/ Vie des idées, 2022 Baptiste Monsaingeon, Homo Detritus. Critique of the waste society, Anthropocene Collection, Seuil Cyrille Harpet, On waste: philosophy of filth. Body, city, industry, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998. Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, 1958 Subscribe to the ARTE channel / @arte Follow us on social media! Facebook: / artetv Twitter: / artefr Instagram: / artefr