Why do people worship Vardan Ghukasyan? MORE SERIOUS THAN EVER You can buy tickets for the SEROG performance at this link https://www.ticketmicket.com/events/s... Broadcast about #Vardan Ghukasyan's response to #Dok's phenomenon in our sick and wounded society _____________________________________________ More serious than ever in the program what the citizen does not have the opportunity to say publicly is said. It aims to look at political issues from the perspective of an ordinary citizen. The author does not pretend to analyze geopolitical issues and leaves it to specialists. The program is artistic, sometimes seasoned with sharp criticism and humor. The author interacts with users due to comments, often replies, sometimes the next release is built according to those comments. The author asks the users to refrain from profanity and asks to write the comments either in Armenian or English or Russian using the alphabet of the respective languages. Otherwise, the comments will not be read.