???? Good to see you again in 2024, friends! We're kicking off the podcast series at Cârligu' lui Gagiu, Thursday, January 11, from 8:30 p.m.! ???? Our Thursday guest is the incomparable Lucian Fiat, a fisherman who needs no introduction, but we have prepared a brief description of him, which we present below. ???? Lucian Fiat started fishing for wild carp in 1996, on the Danube. He fished there for many years, but in the first 2-3 years he didn't catch any carp. Once he had his strategy in place, the carp started to appear! In the period 1999-2011 he fished only on wild waters, he did not participate in competitions. He made a skill out of identifying potential areas on the pond and almost every time he got results. There were 10 years of trials and tests, then he started fishing in competitions. ???? In 2005 he started feeder fishing, but not in competitions. In 2011, he made the decision to participate in competitions and entered the first basket fishing contest. He took a scoop, and from then on the basket fishing craze began. In 2014 he founded the Feeder X brand and since then he has started to design feeders adapted to the conditions in Romania, being a real success. At that time he won over 100 method competitions. In 2017, he was the captain of the Romanian team at the World Cup in Spain, where he was tied for 3rd place occupied by Ukraine. Also in 2017, he was in Portugal on the 2nd place in the World. In 2018, he launched the largest educational program in Romania on the fishing side with the aim of developing competitive method fishing, where over 1000 fishermen from Romania have passed over time. ???? At last year's World Championship in Spain, he won gold with the Romanian team. ???????? ???? We will definitely find out more live from Lucian Fiat, on Thursday, from 20:30, on our YouTube channel! #carliguluigagiu #LucianFiat #carpfishing #podcast #viral #carp #fishing #fish #pescuit #feeder #live #pescuitlafeeder #Fiatpescuitlafeeder #scoaladepescuit #feederfishing #online #secret #emisiunelive #record