Music/lyrics/vocals: Attila Tesók Arrangement/master/vocals: György Tesók Guitar: Gergely Arató Direct program order: +36307373800 e-mail: [email protected] Facebook: / tes%c3%b3k-egy%c3%bcttes-hivatalos -3650577... Produced by: Hobol Universal Studio (www.hoboluniversal.hu) Director/Operator/Editor: László Futó Assistant director: Marianna Omódi Actors: György Oláh, Mirjam Dobosi, Vivien Tarkó, Petra Patai, Csilla Béres Werk photo: Csaba Omódi /Oláh Attila Workfilm: László Veres/Attila Oláh Location: Pécs HUStudio, Zsolnay Kulturális Quarter, Fatehén Büfé Hobol Universal Studio Lyrics: You said it's good for you, but still let's break up I want something else too I'll never give up on you maybe I really need you Ref: Never don't forget I need your heart Don't forget yours is mine Don't forget I'll only give it until I get it and then another love will come I need more of your kisses One day my dream will come true I'll never give up on you maybe I really need you I don't want to see you with anyone else Oh, the thought hurts. But if it does happen, I'll keep fighting for you