(Have you not seen those who dispute concerning the verses of Allah? How are they turned away?) That is, look and marvel at these stubborn people regarding Our clear verses that necessitate belief in them and forbid disputing about them. How are they turned away from them despite the mutual motivations to accept them and the absence of distractions from them, and the existence of evidence for their authenticity, and that they in themselves necessitate monotheism. Then He explained the characteristics of these falsifiers by saying: (Those who denied the Book and that with which We sent Our messengers) That is, they are the ones who denied the Qur’an and everything with which We sent Our messengers, from sincere worship of Him, glory be to Him, and disavowal of what is worshipped besides Him of gods and rivals, and acknowledgment of the resurrection after death. Then He threatened them and warned them about what they will do, saying: (Then they will soon know. When the shackles are around their necks and the chains, they will be dragged into boiling water. Then into the Fire they will be burned.) That is, these deniers will soon know the truth of what We are telling them and the truth of what they are denying today from this Book, when the shackles and chains are placed around their necks, and they are dragged into the boiling water, and everything on them will be stripped away, including skin, flesh, and veins, then the Fire will be filled with them. And similar to the verse is His statement: (Then their return will surely be to Hellfire) and His statement: (Seize him and throw him into the midst of Hellfire. Then pour over his head from the punishment of scalding water. Taste! Indeed, you are the mighty, the generous. Indeed, this is what you were in doubt about.) Then He mentioned that they would ask a question of rebuke and rebuke about their gods that they used to worship, so He said: (Then it will be said to them: Where are those you used to associate with God? They will say: They have gone astray from us. Rather, they did not know.) (We used to call upon something before) meaning, then they will be asked and it will be said to them: Where are the idols that you used to worship instead of Allah, so that they might help you and rescue you from the affliction and torment that you are in? They will answer and say: They have disappeared from us and taken a path other than our path and left us in the affliction. - No, rather the truth is that we did not call upon anything in this world that would be taken into account. This is like saying, I thought that so-and-so was something, but he is nothing, if you examine him you will not see any good in him. The bottom line is that they admitted that their worship of them was false worship. (Thus does Allah lead astray the disbelievers) meaning, just as Allah the Most High led these people astray and invalidated their deeds, so He does with the deeds of all those who profess disbelief, so they do not benefit from anything from them. Then He explained the reason for this torment that will come to them, saying: (That is because you used to rejoice on the earth) (Without right and because you were exulting) meaning, this severe punishment that We have done to you today, is because of your joy in what you were rejoicing in this world, by committing polytheism and sins, and your joy and arrogance in it by enjoying pleasures. (Enter the gates of Hell to abide eternally therein. How evil is the abode of the arrogant) meaning, enter the seven gates of Hell that have been allocated to you, as God Almighty said: {It has seven gates, for each gate is a portion allotted}, abiding eternally therein. How evil is the abode of those who were arrogant towards God in this world, that they should worship Him alone and believe in His messengers - Hell.