Why did the Soviets, who were always ahead of the USA in the space race, lose in the Moon race? Why did Sergei Korolev and his legendary giant rocket N1 fail? Why couldn't the Soviets go to the Moon? Did the CIA have Korolev killed? The answers are in this video! #moon #korolev #N1 My addresses: Instagram: ayhantarakci Twitter: @AyhanTarakc Facebook: Hardware Father References: https://bilgidepon.com/sovyetler-nede... https://www.kozmikanafor.com/sovyet-a... https://www.spacemagturkiye.com/biliy... https://e-dergi.tubitak.gov.tr/edergi... http://www.russianspaceweb.com/n1.html https://www.space.com/10764-soviet-mo...