Discover the fundamental principles for selecting your eyepieces. ???? The 5-step method to choose the best eyepieces for you: https://cours.astronomie-pratique.com... ---------------- ☀️ Summary: 0:00 Intro 1:00 Why change eyepieces 3:28 Calculating and choosing the magnification of an eyepiece 8:00 Choosing the field of view 9:37 Choosing the barrel 11:48 The 5 steps to choosing your eyepieces --------------- ???? My equipment (affiliate links): Skywatcher 80ED Evostar telescope: https://www.astroshop.de/fr/telescope... Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount: https://www.astroshop.de/fr/equatoria... Asiair Plus: https://www.astroshop.de/fr/controleu... ---------------- More information in the full article ⤵️ https://astronomie-pratique.com/ocula... ???? Our Astronomy Club online: https://cours.astronomie-pratique.com... ⭐️ Blog (with lots of cool resources!): https://astronomie-pratique.com ???? Trainings: https://cours.astronomie-pratique.com ???? Instagram: / astronomiepratique ???? Facebook: / astronomiepratique ???? Twitter: / astropratique ----------------- Music offered by La Musique Libre: Yuku - Mawuka: • Royalty-free music Yuku - Mawuka Yuku: / yukumusique