I will tell you in detail why you need to start building a frame house right now, in 2025, and not wait. There is no point in waiting any longer, in my opinion. How much does it cost to build a house in 2025? We build houses with our own hands, all the details in the VK group: https://vk.com/club74535345 My Boosty: https://boosty.to/karkasniksam Help the channel: Sberbank: 5336 6901 0989 4610 Yumoney: 410018467240032 Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vara92 VK Pay https://vk.com/vkpay#action=transfer-... If you need help building a frame house in the Leningrad region, write to: [email protected] #framehousewithyourhands #framehouse