CHANNEL INSTAGRAM https://bit.ly/SetemQuemFaçaTemQuemCo... Hi guys, in today's video I'll be showing the importer CMIK that works with a wide variety of wholesale and retail products focused on fishing in the Canindé region in São Paulo. I hope this video is somehow useful for you, a big hug to all. ***CMIK Distribuidora Av.Vautier, 707 - Pari São Paulo - SP (11) 98718-8555 *Wholesale R$ 500.00 (minimum purchase) *Super Wholesale R$ 5,000.00 (or closed box) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ATTENTION: the links to the contacts of the CHANNEL PARTNERS have no link to the store shown in the video. ** CHANNEL PARTNERS ** Contact 01 - https://bit.ly/ContatoSãoMarcus *** Contact 02 - https://bit.ly/ContatoSãoMarcus02 Contact 03 - https://bit.ly/ContatoSãoMarcus03 Distributor's Instagram - @saomarcusbrinquedos Distributor's Instagram - @saomarcusbrinquedos São Marcus Distributor - NATIONAL AND IMPORTED TOYS AND HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES WHOLESALE Request information about products, prices, deliveries... from the distributor Store 01 - Rua Barão de Duprat, 303 Centro São Paulo - SP Store 02 - Av. Vautier, 692 Canindê São Paulo - SP *Deliveries throughout Brazil IMPORTANT NOTICE! The prices shown in the video are subject to change and the products are subject to availability in the store's stock. The sale of the products shown in the video, as well as delivery, exchanges and returns, will be made solely and exclusively by the store. In case of doubt, contact the store directly using the official contact information in the video description. #wholesalefishing #therearesomewhodotherearesomewhobuy