A whole 2 months of impressions in the open air in Luzhniki - top concerts, stand-ups and theatrical performances at the MTS Live Summer venue! Tickets without markup and with 25% cashback at https://l.mts.ru/live_vsrap Raffle of clothes from the issue — https://t.me/vsrapcom VK — https://vk.com/vsrapcom SHOP — https://vsrap.shop/ VSRAP Video Production — https://vsrap.productions/ Mixing — https://vk.com/soundbykamar White Punk YT - / @whitepunk8199 VK - https://vk.com/whitepunk TG - https://t.me/whitepunksgang Booker YT - / @fedyabooker VK - https://vk.com/fedyabooker TG - https://t.me/fedyabooker Contacts Music distribution - [email protected] Cooperation with VSRAP - [email protected] Work at VSRAP - [email protected] Production of merch - [email protected] Orders and delivery from the store - [email protected] Advertising in issues - [email protected] Timestamps: 00:00:00 What was Young Trappa like in life? 00:12:10 About childhood without a father 00:16:00 If I grew up with my father, would it be better or worse? 00:17:21 Attitude to bad habits 00:25:41 White Punk was engaged in prohibited karate 00:39:57 Why did he leave the sport? 00:43:09 Daniil's informal past 00:46:12 The beginning of a musical career 00:58:03 About working with Kizaru 00:59:50 Pharaoh or Kizaru? 01:00:50 The music industry before the appearance of money in it 01:04:00 How did White Punk end up in Young Russia? 01:07:25 How did you meet Bulvar Depot? 01:09:25 The Day the Music Died 01:12:36 How does he characterize his music? 01:13:52 Artist or businessman? 01:19:02 How did Daniil become an artist? 01:21:01 What is more difficult to write rock or rap? 01:24:48 When was the last time you gave a beat for respect? 01:26:13 Favorite job as a beatmaker 01:28:05 Was it possible to maintain communication with Pharaoh? 01:29:25 Who else did you fight with because of music? 01:31:19 How does he rate the current music of the guys from Young Russia? 01:32:41 Punk stories 01:40:14 About books and performances 01:42:53 About shoddy productions from stars 01:43:54 The image of Punk that is repulsive to children 01:46:31 Why is Epifantsev cooler than Nikolai Drozdov? 01:49:46 Daniil has never eaten tomatoes 01:51:00 Another plus of Samara 01:53:20 Will there be an album with Yelawolf? 01:55:43 Would you like to move to America? 01:56:59 Does Daniil have an "N - word pass"? 02:03:41 Can everyone afford to pay for music? 02:05:41 About the Griboyedov club 02:06:48 What is happening with underground bands now? 02:08:50 Announcements for the future 02:09:54 About Dima Husky 02:11:18 Daniil wants feats with rock old-timers 02:14:21 How many Chrome Hearts can White Punk wear at once? 02:15:48 10 questions for Daniil White Punk 02:16:36 How would Daniil like to die? 02:19:27 What if Daniil White Punk is gone tomorrow?