Review the highway code with this 30-question quiz dedicated to traffic rules. We would like to point out that this quiz is not a practice exam and does not have any official questions. This quiz is therefore not training for the highway code exam. On the other hand, even if you already have your driving license, you can review the main concepts of the highway code in 2023: priority rules, speed, points-based license, signs, car lights, road safety, etc. #highwaycode #license ★ Share your score and your impressions in the comments below. The principle is simple: ✔ You have 10 seconds ✔ Only one correct answer per question ✔ You score 1 point per correct answer ???? Discover even more thematic quizzes on our Culture Quizz website: https://www.culturequizz.com/vie-quot... Culture Quizz is a channel dedicated to entertainment with quizzes and blind tests to learn while having fun. We design questionnaires in different forms: MCQs, Picture Questions, Music Quizzes, General Knowledge...