The Central Bank rate is already at a record level and may rise even more. What will happen to bond yields? The Ministry of Finance placed a new floater worth a trillion rubles at its debut auction. What is the appeal of the new instrument? Fixed or variable coupon: which bonds to choose? Experts: — Denis Gabdulin, Director of Wealth Clients at BCS Management Company (advisory) — Maxim Shein, Director of Wealth Clients at BCS Management Company (advisory) Watch the broadcast on VK: https://vk.cc/czZWCO How to fix YouTube: https://cutt.ly/1eGySqdz Useful links: Advisory service: https://cutt.ly/Ww0IZCy5 Open an account with BCS: https://cutt.ly/sebOwcvg Subscribe to our main channel: @BrokerRu Subscribe to BCS Express on Telegram: https://bit.ly/3HgnWdK BCS World of Investments Telegram channel: https://bit.ly/3SeJkX1 BCS FAQ: https://bit.ly/3OyHiiP Timecodes: 00:00 Starting soon 00:11 What is the broadcast about? 01:06 What's up with the key rate and inflation in the US? 03:10 About inflation and the key rate in Russia 07:40 What to invest in? 14:44 About the volume of bonds in circulation 16:22 About corporate bonds 18:09 About the volume of individual investments in bonds 20:52 About "Samolet" 22:05 About the share of individuals in trading 24:05 About the yield of corporations in yuan 25:58 About the dynamics of replacement bonds and the dollar exchange rate 27:38 What should an investor do in the current conditions? 31:37 Which securities to choose for investments for 3-4 years? 32:30 On the influence of coordination between ministries and the Central Bank on the decision-making process on the key rate 33:26 On Business Alliance 34:28 On the composition of the client portfolio 35:40 Do bond funds make sense? 36:16 On Delimobil 37:04 On bond lists 37:37 On crowdlending 38:12 On the initial placement of municipal bonds 38:54 On the difference in the body of floaters 39:31 On Samolet's plans 41:05 On Setl Group 42:39 On replacement bonds and coupon payments 43:04 On Selectel floaters 43:27 On Lukoil 44:52 On RUSSIA-2028 45:44 Why buy ruble bonds? 46:44 About TGK #bks #bkslive #investments #bonds #rate #Ministry of Finance