I am sure many of you would like to publish your article in a foreign journal, but you think that it is very expensive and almost impossible. Every year the requirements for candidates of science and research fellows increase, and if earlier one or two articles in journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission were enough, now they require at least one publication in foreign journals. From my own experience I know that many things seem impossible if you are not prompted in the direction on the way to achieving them. This was the case with me. Now I want to tell you how to publish in a foreign journal and not pay anything for it, how not to fall for the scammers offering this service for a lot of money, as well as many other interesting things. scopus.com/sources - search for journals included in the Scopus list; https://www.elsevier.com/authors - a place for registering authors and accepting their articles; https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-e... - everything for authors; https://academic.oup.com/journals/pag... - a link for authors who want to submit a scientific article to the Oxford press; https://www.wiley.com/en-tj/book-authors - here you can discuss the publication of a book, not just articles. scientific article, science, scopus, how to write a scientific article, scientific articles, scientific journal, structure of a scientific article, postgraduate study, business perspectives, master's degree, scientific work, study abroad, lyudmila ostapenko, education, dissertation, scientific blog, peer review, how to publish an article, #first chapter of a dissertation#, university science, science, #vacc rf requirements#, journal, how to publish a scientific article, #how to publish an article#, #scientific work#, #dissertation#, #postgraduate study#, #candidate's dissertation#, #how to write a dissertation#, #article in a scientific journal#, #candidate of medical sciences#, #bibliography#, article, #literature review#, scopus,