Insider Promotion: https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... Coupon: ATILABF A conversation about the origins of corruption in Brazil and how its history is intertwined with the formation of the country, with Adriana Romeiro, historian at the History Department of UFMG, where she has studied the history of corruption for over 20 years, with works such as Ladroes da República, Corrupção, moral e cobiça no Brasil, século XVI a XVII Adriana's books: Ladrões da República: Corrupção, moral e cobiça no Brasil, século XVI a XVIII - https://amzn.to/3OuB82h Corruption and power in Brazil: A history, centuries XVI a XVIII - https://amzn.to/3CEVAKP Village rich in satires: Production and Circulation of Pasquins in Minas Gerais, 1732 - https://amzn.to/497EUYV Presentation: Atila Iamarino - Twitter @oatila Instagram @oatila Direction and Executive Production: Paloma Sato Pre-production: Carol Piza Thumb: Giulia Donadio: Instagram: @giulia_donadio Production and editing: Dener Yukio: Instagram: @dyukio