As a teenager, Katja Zimmermann dreamed of getting married early and having children. But things turned out differently: the 43-year-old musician is now single. For a long time, this situation gnawed at her self-esteem: Am I not good enough? Why doesn't anyone choose me? What will the people around me think? Today, Katja Zimmermann fights back against the typical clichés that she repeatedly encounters as a single. Instead of pity and half-baked attempts at explanation, she wants more acceptance for single people. "People tell you that you have to feel bad about it." But the musician doesn't feel bad at all as a single. She quickly replaced the question "Why am I alone?" with the question "Why am I here?" In the program, she reveals what answers she found to this and what tips she has for people who have also been single up to now. #SingleBeing #Lonely #Alone This contribution from the Talkwerk series is a donation-funded production of ERF - Der Sinnsender. Watch entire shows: http://www.erfjess.de Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/erf_jess Become our fan on Facebook: facebook.com/ERFJess Just test your faith: http://www.jesus-experiment.de Do you like this show? Then get your friends excited about it! Become our ambassador and receive great giveaways to give away: http://www.erf.de/botschafter