In the past, the Lanna kingdom was a kingdom with power and prestige comparable to the southern states of Ayutthaya. But when Lanna fell under the rule of Burma, including “Phrae”, an ancient city that played an important role in the politics and economy of Lanna, not long after King Taksin was able to expel the influence of the Ava in 1774, Lanna and Phrae had to come under the rule of Siam, continuing until the Rattanakosin period. When the time came to the reign of King Chulalongkorn, Rama V, he had a policy to annex the various states that were originally colonies of Siam to become a modern state following the Western model. This created dissatisfaction among the various rulers of Lanna, leading to resistance against Siam on many occasions. The major resistance took place in Phrae, leading to an important event called the “Phrae Rebellion”, with the Shan group in the forefront and the northern lords behind it. #Lanna #PhraeRebellion #Shan #HistoryOutsideTheTextbooks