The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo campaigned with the gubernatorial and vice gubernatorial candidate pair Ahmad Luthfi-Taj Yasin Maimoen in Central Java for 2 days. The three of them campaigned in various regions in Central Java, namely Purwokerto, Tegal, Grobogan, and Blora. Jokowi openly expressed his support for the pair. Jokowi emphasized the importance of a leader, both at the central and regional levels, to have a clear vision. Watch more in the following video. Writer: Fadlan Mukhtar Zain, Tresno Setiadi, Puthut Dwi Putranto Nugroho, Aria Rusta Yuli Pradana Scriptwriter: Hanindiya Dwi Lestari Narrator: Hanindiya Dwi Lestari Video Editor: Dina Rahmawati Producer: Pythag Kurniati (Adisty) Music: RISE - Density & Time #JokowiCampaignWithLuthfiTajYasin #AhmadLuthfi #TajYasinMaimoen #Central JavaPilkada2024 #ClearHope This article can be viewed at: https://video.kompas.com/watch/179283...