The Road to Smile Foundation As the closing chord of the Advent charity event of the Road to Smile Foundation, Hungarian stars sang together the song "Ha elmúlik Karácsony" by Neoton Familia. We are grateful to everyone who participated in the event and thereby contributed to the establishment of Hungary's first Autism Crisis House and Education Center. If you would like to help, dial or send an SMS to 13616 and be a donor too! Understand. Accept. Help Idea: The Way to a Smile Foundation Contributors: Veca Janicsák, Viktor Király, Attila Kökény, Lalika Kökény, Ferenc Molnár Caramel Music Director: Bertalan Temesi Song: Neoton Família - When Christmas Passes Composers: Emese Hatvani, László Pásztor, György Jakab Film/Edit: LIVEPOINT Director: Veronika Gaszner Producer: Laura Nyakas and Balázs Gubcsó – The Way to a Smile Foundation