To Subscribe to Yaşasın Hayat with Osman Müftüoğlu and Burcu Kaya → / osmanmuftuogluileyasasinhayat He knows the secrets of long life best... Yaşasın Hayat with Osman Müftüoğlu and Burcu Kaya on NTV on Mondays at 22:00! Health recommendations for a quality life, symptoms of diseases, diagnosis processes, treatment methods... You won't need to search for what you are curious about on the internet or consult your friends. All questions are answered in this program with detailed explanations. Burcu Kaya asks, internal medicine specialist Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu answers. Unknowns are clarified, mistakes are corrected. Yaşasın Hayat with Osman Müftüoğlu and Burcu Kaya on NTV on Mondays at 22:00. #OsmanMüftüoğlu #BurcuKaya #NTVProgram