God requires us to get up in the morning, some in the morning and others later. The first thing we have to do, as a Christian's main concern and obligation and duty and mental need for salvation, is to kneel, raise our hands to God and pray. How many hours are the prayers of our church! What words are those that give life! "Aroused from sleep, we fall to You, Agatha, and all the angels shout the hymn to You, Mighty...". So, since we get up and approach the goodness of Christ, we must thank Him, because He deserved us to spend the night well. Sleep is an image of death, because we sleep and we don't know where we are, how many hours and we wake up again and become living people with a conscience. After thanking God with all our hearts, who deserved us to see the light of day again, let's ask Him to forgive us our sins. Let us pray for our enemies, for those who slander us, accuse us, persecute us, influence us. This is the first thing we must do, because if we do not forgive them, God will not forgive us. We will say our prayer in the morning, we will do the prostrations, which the spiritual one has given us, even if we have health and more to offer. What is knee flexion? Worship of God. We worship God, which our enemy simply does not do, he does not bow his head, he does not kneel, he does not worship. Those who worship God are enemies of the devil, so they are God's people. That is why kneelings are of great importance. And one more thing to do, it becomes some ascetic effort, something that will have its reward from God. The few penances we do are slowly collected in the table of God above Heaven and when we go up, we will find them in a large quantity. And this will help us in our apology, during the terrible time when we will be judged.