SAMSUNG https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/compu... CRUCIAL Ballistix https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/compu... CORSAIR Vengeance https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/compu... HyperX FURY https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/compu... PATRIOT Viper https://www.citilink.ru/catalog/compu... Today's video answers the question - is it necessary to overclock the RAM, and if so, to what value to increase performance in games? Two platforms AMD and INTEL will participate in the test, we set the memory frequency to 3200 MHz and then increase it to 4200 MHz in 100 MHz increments and at each stage we conduct a test in 4 games and measure the bandwidth. The resolution and graphics settings in the games are different and 720p, and Full HD, and QHD and even 4K. I think most viewers looking for an answer to this question will be satisfied. The video was created by: Sergey Safonov Oleg Martynov OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS https://t.me/prohitec https://vk.com/prohitec Main channel / prohitec Second channel / prozhzhennie