Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ... Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said, من دَلَّ على خيرٍ فله مثلُ أجرِ فاعلِه "Whoever shows goodness (to others), then he will get a reward like the reward of the person who does it." (HR. Muslim) Welcome to the KITA BERHIJRAH channel, where this channel contains Islamic lectures. If you find this video, In Sha Allah it is not a coincidence, because in this world there is no coincidence, then understand that this video is indeed Allah's guidance for us. If this video is useful, don't forget to ask for support so that it continues to grow by Subscribing, Sharing, liking and commenting. and if you want to see more lectures and updates, you can visit the source: Adi Hidayat official #uah #ustadzadihidayat #ustadzadihdayatterbaru #ustadzadihidayatterbaru2024 #uah terbaru #leserhustadzadihidayat #leserlatestlesustadzadihidayat #studyustadzadihidayat #adihidayatofficial #ustadzabdulsomadterbaru #ustadzhilmanfauziterbaru #ustadzhananattakiterbaru #khanwarzahiderbaru #buyayahyaterbaru #gusbahaterterbaru #sermahlucu #ustadzdasadlatifterbaru #debtpayoffdebtdeeds #debtpayoffdhikr #debtpayoff #debtpayoffprayers #jibril prayers #sustenance-attracting prayers #sustenance-attracting dhikr #sustenance-attracting deeds from all corners #openerofsustenance #practiceofopeningthedoorofsustenance #heart-calmingprayer #heart-calmingdhikr #sothatprayerisquicklyanswered #howtogetrichquickly #howtopayoffdebtquickly #dhikr #ruqyah #wemigrate #allahloveshisservantswhomigrate #migrate #loveallah #whoislovedbyallah #allah #lawofcelebratingmaulid #maulidnabi #canwecelebratemaulidnabi #celebratingmaulidnabi #birthoftheprophet #prayerofopeningthedoorofsustenance #practiceofopeningthedoorofsustenance #sothatsustenanceflowsheavily #questionsandanswersofustadzabdulsomad #questionsandanswersofustadzadihidayat