Steel on Hayabusa in Hokkaido / @steelonhayabusainhokkaido Zone (Abandoned roads, ruins, road exploration / Hokkaido) • Climbing a cliff to see the current state of a mysterious hot spring / Funbe Seaside Hot Spring 44 Yamaguchi / @44yamaguchi Sanatic Coffee Shop / @sanaticcoffee C62 Channel / @c62-hu [Hokkaido] Vehicle Lover Channel / @hokkaido-railway Sapporo's siblings ???????? / @sapporonoshitei Sapporo Sparrowman / @sparrowman12 North Sea Gem / @hokkainotama INTERURBAN6304 / @interurban6304channel MESHITABE Babbo&Green / @meshitabebabbogreen1162 "Kidman Hokkaido Exploration" / @Kidman Hokkaido Exploration Contact Information provided by [email protected] Please send us an email with your name and contact information. "Masked X the Phantom Magician" https://tsunenihyperdesu.wixsite.com/... "Masked X YOUTUBE" / @kotarokido