Heloísa de Carvalho, eldest daughter of the far-right philosopher and guru, Olavo de Carvalho, narrates in this exclusive interview with journalist Luis Nassif what her childhood and adolescence was like alongside a 4t0rmentad0 father who ended up influencing, throughout his life, a legion of followers with distorted views of the world. Heloísa tells who Olavo's parents were and what her relationship with them was like; recalls Olavo's troubled marriage with his mother - who ended up developing pr0bl3m4s m3nt4ais and tr4um4tiz4nd0 the family with two attempts at $uicíd10. It also narrates how Olavo ran an astrology school in the 1980s that was very successful and then invested in other types of courses that attracted wealthy students who helped pay for his expenses in the United States in the following years. Olavo's religions, sects and life philosophies are also on the agenda of the interview, which also discusses how he became friends with the military and how he met Steve Bannon. The chat was recorded on April 26, 2024, a month before Olavo's will was revealed. After two years since his passing, it is now discovered that Olavo left the majority of his inheritance (two properties in the USA and 30% of book royalties) to his last wife and a smaller percentage to his two children with her. Another five children from another marriage will only receive between 0.3% and 0.5% of the book royalties. Heloisa was left out of the will. #olavodecarvalho