What is Worship and Shirk? Kavaidu'l Erba - 3 Halis Hoca (Ebu Hanzala) You can subscribe to our WhatsApp line by clicking on the link to be updated about our special posts that we do not publish on our other social media accounts; https://bit.ly/2xHiHzN In this lesson, the questions of what is worship and shirk are answered and it is conveyed that the issue that should be prioritized in explaining religion to people is monotheism. Shirk: Associating partners (partnership) is the opposite of the word monotheism. Worship: Words and deeds that Allah loves and is pleased with and are done only for Allah. It is explained that no one has an excuse in the issue of monotheism, and the example of Zeyd bin Amr bin Nufeyl, one of the hanifs before the prophethood, is given. It is explained in which issues people have excuses and in which issues their excuses are not valid. It is mentioned that people do not excuse others with ignorance when they violate their own rights, but when it comes to Allah's rights, people are called ignorant (they do not know) and Allah's rights are taken lightly. IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 What are the conditions required for worship to be considered as worship? 02:30 The definition of worship 08:40 Which is Allah's command to people? 11:00 The 3 basic principles for starting with monotheism when explaining religion to people 13:15 What is the condition for calling worship as worship? 13:50 The results of uniting Allah in worship. 16:35 When polytheism enters into an act of worship, it eliminates that act of worship. 20:00 In which issues is it necessary to establish proof? 21:50 Why is it necessary to worship Allah? 34:15 The story of Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufeyl. 39:45 Paradise being forbidden for those who commit idolatry. 43:30 The hadith of the man who wanted his body to be burned when he died. 49:20 Two perverted understandings existing in society. 50:40 Putting our own rights before Allah's rights. 55:00 Not giving Allah the due value 55:25 The nature of uniting Allah From the Darkness of Unbelief to the Light of Revelation… To Support Our Channel; https://bit.ly/2MCiNmM For the Tawhid Lessons Channel; https://bit.ly/2K8UdYy For the Interpretation of Tawhid: https://tevhidmeali.com/ To Watch All Videos; https://tevhiddersleri.org/ To Access Our Magazines and Books: http://tevhiddergisi.org/ Contact: +90 535 766 45 45 You can ask your sharia questions via [email protected]. #Worship #Polytheism #Aqaid