The resonance of voltages in a series oscillatory circuit is considered. At the resonance frequency, the reactive resistances of the inductance coil and the capacitor are equal in magnitude, but they are in antiphase. As a result, the voltage on the capacitor and the inductance coil compensate each other. As a result, at the resonance of voltages in the circuit, the maximum current flows, which is widely used in oscillatory circuits of receivers. 1. Comparison of the parameters of a resistor, coil and capacitor: • Resistor, capacitor, inductor... 2. Capacitor in an AC circuit: • Lesson 27. CAPACITOR in an AC cir... 3. Inductor in an AC circuit: • Lesson 28. INDUCTION COIL in a cir... Kits of electronic components for experiments of beginner electronics engineers: Get a high DISCOUNT on the purchase of ALL products: http://ali.pub/3mwkwb Breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvcu Convenient breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvyt Serious breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtx4m Flexible jumpers for breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtxj0 Jumpers in a pencil case 14 types 140 pieces: http://ali.pub/3mtxtw Set of resistors 600 pieces, 30 denominations of 20 pieces: http://ali.pub/3muaey Set of transistors: http://ali.pub/3muc1h Buy a good multimeter: RM113D http://ali.pub/3mn1ru Buy a simple multimeter: DT830B http://ali.pub/3mn8qo Digital dual-channel signal generator DDS: http://ali.pub/4c2hf7 Serious digital signal generator UNI-T UTG962: http://ali.pub/4c2hx3 Oscilloscope Hantek DSO5202P: http://ali.pub/3rey34 Soldering iron with adjustable temperature CXG 936d: http://ali.pub/4c2kuh #resonance #ResonanceVoltage #electronicsclub