Click for the interactive activity and PDF activity page: https://www.etkinlikgemisi.com/boyutl... In this video, we learn concepts related to sizes (big-small, long-short, narrow-wide, thin-thick, high-low) and do an activity related to sizes. CONCEPTS CONTAINED IN THE VIDEO: big-small, long-short, narrow-wide, thin-thick, high-low DEVELOPMENT AREA SUPPORTED BY THE VIDEO: Cognitive development, language development, OUTCOME Observes objects or entities. (Indicators: Tells the name of the object/entity, color, shape, size, length, texture, sound, smell, material it is made of, taste, amount, and purposes of use.) OUTCOME Develops vocabulary. (Indicators: Notices new words when listening and asks the meanings of the words. Remembers the words and tells the meanings of the words. Uses newly learned words in accordance with their meanings. Uses antonyms, synonyms and homophones.) GAIN Uses his voice appropriately. (Indicators: Uses his breathing correctly while speaking/singing. Adjusts the tone, speed and volume of his voice while speaking/singing.) LION'S GUITAR Here we are on the island, I wonder where the Lion is? Let's look at the map. Let's find him. Let's look at the map and find him. Cat: There are two hills here. This one is high, this one is low. High, low, high, low... Which one should we go to? The high one? The low one? Panda: The high one is marked on the map (sketch). Come on, let's walk. Let's go to the high hill. Let's find the Lion and give him his guitar. Let's find the Lion and give him his guitar. Cat: There are two roads here. This one is narrow, this one is wide. Narrow, wide, narrow, wide… Which one should we go by? The narrow one? The wide one? Panda: According to the map, we should take the wide road. Come on, let's walk Let's go by the wide road Let's find the lion and give him his guitar. Let's find the lion and give him the guitar. Cat: There are two bridges here. This one is long, this one is short. Long, short, long, short… Which one should we go by? The long one? The short one? Panda: According to the map, we should choose the long bridge. Come on, let's walk Let's cross the long bridge. Let's find the lion and give him his guitar. Let's find the lion and give him the guitar. Cat: There are two rocks here. This one is big, this one is small. Big, small, big, small… Which one should we go by? The big one? The small one? Panda: According to the map, we should go by the big rock. Come on, let's walk Let's choose the big rock. Let's find the lion and give him his guitar. Let's find the lion and give him the guitar. Cat: There are two trees here. This one is thick, this one is thin. Thick-thin-thick-thin... Which one should we pass by? The thick one? The thin one? Panda According to the map, we should pass by the thick tree. Come on, let's walk Let's choose the thick tree. Let's find the lion and give him his guitar. Let's find the lion and give him the guitar. Cat: We reached the high hill. Look, there's the lion there. Panda: Hooray! We finally found it! Here's my guitar, Thank you very much! Let's play nice songs, Dance and have fun. Let's play nice songs and have fun. Let's dance and have fun.