Do you know the properties of real numbers for addition and multiplication? In this video, we are going to study the properties of real numbers. It is important to know them, since it allows us to establish the rules and relationships that we are going to use to solve mathematical operations from the most basic to the most complex. First part 00:00 Intro 00:14 Lock law (addition) 00:54 Commutative law (addition) 01:37 Associative law (addition) 02:21 Identity element (addition) 03:05 Inverse element (addition) ------------------------------------------------ Second part 04:01 Lock law (multiplication) 04:44 Commutative law (multiplication) 05:15 Associative law (multiplication) 06:01 Distributive law (multiplication and addition) 07:01 Identity element (multiplication) 07:47 Inverse element (multiplication) 08:46 Comparison between the properties of addition and multiplication Bibliography JIMÉNEZ HERNANDEZ , J. (2005). MATHEMATICS SEP 1. UMBRAL. HAEUSSLER, E. (Ed.). (2012). PRECALCULUS . PEARSON. BALDOR, A. (1947). ALGEBRA. PATRIA. #realnumbers #easymatearithmetic #precalculation SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @momentocinetico -- HERE YOU CAN FIND ME Instagram : / momentocinetico