Is it true that a personal Telegram channel about product management helps you get a job? We asked Igor Sedachev, the head of the product department at Avito, about this. He conducts more than a hundred interviews a year and has developed his own methodology for selecting candidates. We learned what qualities you need to have to get into a large company for the position of product manager, how to answer questions correctly at an interview, and also figured out how middles differ from seniors in principle. We also talked about the product profession. Igor explained why a product manager does not necessarily need to get an engineering education, but dissecting dead people — unexpectedly! — can really help in work. Spoiler: unlike a Telegram channel 😆 And finally, we argued about the effectiveness of various frameworks — they turned out to have a lot in common with paper books. NAVIGATION: 00:00:00 Highlights and greetings 00:01:04 What Igor did before Avito and why he decided to become a product manager 00:05:26 How he developed his product skills, and why the product manager profession has existed for over a century 00:10:10 Is it possible to do product management without practice 00:11:17 What a spherical product looks like in a vacuum and why products need a manager 00:13:54 Which business unit is Igor responsible for 00:18:59 What is Social Shopping and why Avito is Tinder 00:25:49 How subscriptions work in Avito and why people in a sandwich suit use them 00:31:00 How product managers differ in companies of different sizes 00:37:09 Two main components of product management as a religion 00:46:17 Expectation/reality of product frameworks and why they are needed 00:54:14 How to deal with subjectivity in the application of frameworks and in the work of a product manager 01:01:25 How media coverage can help you get a job at a large company 01:06:22 How to distinguish a middle from a senior at an interview for a product manager 01:11:52 What about juniors? 01:12:42 What education is useful in product management Appbooster is a mobile marketing agency. We promote applications, analyze results, help develop and monetize products. Website: https://appbooster.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/love_mobile YouTube: / @appbooster #productmanagement #framework #hiring #interview #itprofessionals #itproducts