The Vogue Russia channel may contain references and links to Facebook and Instagram, resources owned by Meta, a company whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation. At the same time, all information and links to Facebook and Instagram were posted before Meta was banned in Russia. The Vogue Russia channel does not contain materials and/or links to such materials that are prohibited due to their content. Actress Yang Ge talks about her favorite perfumes, beauty finds, and accessories in the new episode of “What’s in the Bag” on the Vogue Russia channel. The VOGUE editors would like to thank the Parabola cafe for their assistance in conducting the shoot. Other Vogue videos: 33 QUESTIONS: • 33 questions WHAT’S IN THE BAG: • What’s in the bag? BEAUTY SECRETS: • Beauty Secrets Social Networks VOGUE RUSSIA Web: http://www.vogue.ru/video/ Newsletter: https://www.vogue.ru/subscription/ Facebook: / voguerussia Twitter: / voguerussia Instagram: / Pinterest: / What's in Yang Ge's bag? Vogue Russia