Winter fishing with overnight stay, with Zhorik! For two days. In general, like at home, even better. Excellent bite of HUGE Bream! And of course, just an amazing vacation in Winter on Ice. I caught a lot! Tent - http://www.palatka-msk.ru/index.php?r... Heat exchanger - https://sibtermo.su/market/teploobmen... Thermos bucket - http://www.palatka-msk.ru/vedra/?utm_... Backpack - https://aquatic.net.ru/product/rst-50/ Knife - https://nasledie52.ru/ NORFIN ARDENT HAT WITH EAR FLAP - http://fishingbaits.ru/catalog/detail... NORFIN ARDENT DOWN MITTENS - http://fishingbaits.ru/catalog/detail... NORFIN COVER SOCKS - http://fishingbaits.ru/catalog/detail... Carp chair - https://7veter.ru/catalog/kempingovay... Bloodworm box - https://aquatic.net.ru/product/mo-01/ Nods with signaling device, Pavel -89661413003