In her new Netflix series, Sagrada Familia, Najwa Nimri plays an artisan who makes a living designing and carving stained glass. There are no stained glass windows in her bag, but there is no lack of art, from a hip flask camouflaged as a bracelet (a secret revealed to all the bars she goes to from now on) to a leather cigarette case that reminds her of someone special or a Furby given to her by her fans that she likes “because it's very ugly” and will end up inheriting her dog. Read our interview with Najwa at https://www.vogue.es/living/articulos... Najwa wears a sweatshirt, trousers, sandals and a flamenco bag by LOEWE. Bulgari earrings and bracelet, green Balenciaga glasses, black Hawkers glasses and a ring by La Manso. Directed by Ismael G. Nicolás Production: Abismo Films Production assistant: Claudia Faubel Production assistant: Diego Ciruelos Photography direction: Jacobo Herrero Camera operators: Adolf Carceller and Daniel Moreno Lighting assistant: Álvaro Ramiro Sound: Amor Castro Styling: Berta Ávarez Styling assistant: Joana Real Makeup and hair: Pablo Macías Location: @Casadelberro