The Vogue Russia channel may contain references and links to Facebook and Instagram, resources owned by Meta, a company banned in the Russian Federation. However, all information and links to Facebook and Instagram were posted before Meta was banned in Russia. The Vogue Russia channel does not contain materials and/or links to such materials that are banned due to their content. The first soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Anna Tikhomirova met with Vogue Russia to show the contents of her handbag. The ballerina showed her favorite photos from the shoot for Vogue in New York, told a story about her favorite perfume and an umbrella from The National Gallery. What gift should you give a ballerina and what films has Anna Tikhomirova liked recently - watch this and much more in our new video. Vogue Beauty Bag — 16 premium self-care products selected by the editors of Vogue Russia: https://www.condenaststore.ru/brand/v...[…]ueBeautyBag&utm_content=youtube-post&utm_social-type=owned The editors of VOGUE would like to thank the conceptual space 3L Store for their assistance in conducting the shoot. https://instagram.com/3l_decor_store?... https://www.3ldecor.ru/store/ Other Vogue videos: 33 QUESTIONS: • 33 questions WHAT'S IN THE BAG: • What's in the bag? BEAUTY SECRETS: • Beauty Secrets Social Networks VOGUE RUSSIA Web: http://www.vogue.ru/video/ Newsletter: https://www.vogue.ru/subscription/ Facebook: / voguerussia Twitter: / voguerussia Instagram: / Pinterest: / Other Vogue videos: 33 QUESTIONS: • 33 questions WHAT'S IN THE BAG: • What's in the bag? BEAUTY SECRETS: • Beauty Secrets Social Networks VOGUE RUSSIA Web: http://www.vogue.ru/video/ Newsletter: https://www.vogue.ru/subscription/ Facebook: / voguerussia Twitter: / voguerussia Instagram: / Pinterest: / What's in the bag of ballerina Anna Tikhomirova? Vogue Russia