Well, what can I say - there is a lot of suffering with a thin-walled profile pipe, especially when you need to weld not two seams, but two hundred and twenty-two. A semiautomatic machine will certainly help out here and the deformation of the product will be several times less, but if you only have a pack of blue Losinoostrovsky MP-3 electrodes, then buy some sedative tablets - they will come in handy) Set the current for continuous seams without movements 55 - 60. With movements 65 - 70. Weld with dots - 85 - 90. The amperage, of course, depends on the device. On cheap Chinese ones, it will be about 15% higher than indicated. You can also play with the polarity of direct and reverse, there are claims that the direct one burns through the metal less. Good luck to you and strong nerves) VK group - https://vk.com/club212137491 You can write about welding training here - https://www.avito.ru/moskva/predlozhe... If you want to support the channel - Sberbank - 4276 4000 9663 4390 This will help the development of the channel. How exactly? There will be more videos, I will be able to buy something for testing - electrodes of different brands, wire for a semiautomatic machine for testing, as well as consumables for TIG welding. Because the welding channel will not survive long on enthusiasm alone) #ProfessionalPipeWelding #ElectrodeWelding #SemiautomaticWelding