Certificate Link https://s.id/esertifikatwebinarerapor1 SMK e-Report Link https://erapor.ditpsmk.net/ Material Download Link https://s.id/materieraporseri1 To all Heads of SMK throughout Indonesia In order to Implement Assessment Quality Assurance, the Directorate of SMK is developing the SMK e-Report as a platform for student learning assessment result documents connected to Dapodik. To optimize access to the use of this SMK e-Report, a series of e-Report Webinars are being held. e-Report Webinar Series #1 Improving Admin Access in Managing the SMK e-Report Application Version 7.0.5 will be held on: 🗓️ Friday, June 7, 2024 🕙 08.00 - 10.00 WIB 🎥 Live on the Directorate of SMK-Kemdikbud Youtube Channel. In this #1 series there will be a presentation: 1. Dapodik Team, regarding the use of Dapodik data for SMK e-Rapor 2. SMK e-Rapor Developer, regarding improving access to SMK e-Rapor admin Participants can register via the link listed on the poster: https://s.id/WEBINARERAPORSERI12024. Thank you for your attention and willingness. Greetings, #SMKBisa #SMKHebat #VokasiKuatMengeatkanIndonesia #BanggaJadiAnakSMK #MerdekaBelajar #eRaporSMK