Timecodes 1:09 DCH263 cordless hammer drill (case, external features, complete set, DISASSEMBLY) 14:18 DCF512 cordless ratchet (case, complete set, external features) 18:28 Tstak case (external features) 20:45 Impact DCF850 (case, complete set, external appearance, DISASSEMBLY) 26:35 Impact wrench-angle grinder DCF887 DCG418 (case, complete set, DISASSEMBLY, tool TEST) 42:34 DCE089 laser level (case, complete set, external features) 49:25 DCB184 battery (external features, DISASSEMBLY, battery TEST) - DCB115 charger (external features, DISASSEMBLY) For questions about purchasing and consulting on the tool: WhatsApp +7 (908) 485-72-94 or social networks Vkontakte - https://vk.com/dlstools Instagram - / dlstools Telegram - https://t.me/dlstools YouTube - / @dlstools