Among the folk craftsmen of Borisov region, one cannot ignore the original master, member of the folk art masters' club "Nathnenne" of the State Institution "District Center of Folk Art", Khatskevich Ivan Evdokimovich from the village of Bryli, Borisov region, Minsk region. Currently, he is one of the best basket weavers of Minsk region, specializing in weaving traditional Belarusian baskets and wicker baskets. In his work, the master follows a strict folk tradition. The products he makes are usually perfect in proportions and technique. The film tells about how the manufacture of products from natural materials was once a common occupation of the Belarusian peasantry. And today, the Bryliovo master develops the traditions of inexpensive and useful products. Traditional crafts and trades are the spiritual and material heritage of many generations of Belarusians, part of what distinguishes the nation from other peoples, connects it with history, native land.