They had brought me there because they wanted to go octopus fishing and even specified the location, but the people who said they wanted to go started fishing for something different and I went octopus fishing by myself.However, the two of them seemed to have fun catching a variety of fish, so I was satisfied.I never thought the day would come when I would be able to catch a mackerel in Miyagi, but since it's easy to get there from my house, it's the same every time.I only need to catch 1 or 2 to eat, so the catch isn't that great. Specifications Tackle & Lure World Shaula 1833 https://amzn.to/3eN2nng Antares DCMDXG https://amzn.to/3LG006h Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/rio.next.li... BGM DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-la Amacha Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ Music-Note.jp http://www.music-note.jp/vocal/index.... H/MIX GALLERY MENU http://www.hmix.net/music_gallery/fee... Music Material http://musicmaterial.jpn.org/ #fishing #World Shaula #fishing #sea fishing #Miyagi #Antares DCMD #Miyagi Prefecture Fishing #Octopus Fishing #Rockfish #Plating