Arka Sokaklar tells the story of the family lives of police officers working in a special team at the Istanbul Police Department Public Security Branch Directorate and their adventures on the streets of Istanbul. The team encounters different and diverse human stories during their duties. Istanbul Police Chief Rıza Soylu (Zafer Ergin) approaches these stories, which are sometimes funny and sometimes heartbreaking, with his years of experience and fatherhood, and guides the other young members of the team. Director: Baran Özçaylan TV Group President: Murat Yancı Dramas Director: Gökhan Yıldız Producer: Ali Cengiz Deveci Executive Producer: Arzu Eğmir Screenplay: Ozan Yurdakul - Sinan Yurdakul Executive Producer: Özer Erten Music: Murat Evgin Cast: Zafer Ergin, Şevket Çoruh, Özgür Ozan, Oya Okar, Ozan Çobanoğlu, Ebru Cündübeyoğlu, Özlem Çınar, Nazlı Tosunoğlu, Gaye Gürsel, Hülya Kalebayır, Kerimhan Duman, Furkan Göksel, Ecem Öz, Mustafa Efe Günay, Aslı Turan, Tolga Kandemir, Felicia Sağnak, Aslı Şimşek, Orhan Alp #ArkaSokaklar #KanalD