COME TWITCH, I LIVE EVERY DAY : / kelyanlive Finally the continuation of my most viewed video! I tried to cook the best video possible with the team I hope you will enjoy it. I am in Japan currently with Loann and other friends, I love the moment, when I return I will destroy YouTube. Don't forget to save your money for the Pokémon merch it's going to be heavy! Happy New Year, good health, in short, dick ????Discord: / discord ???? Give your email for new content (it's free, don't worry): https://kelyanlive.substack.com ???? My REPLAY channel: @KelyanReplay ???? My CLIP channel: @KelyanClips ???? My Multigaming channel: @kelyanetloann ???? Instagram: / kelyantgr ????Twitter: / kelyantw Thanks to Kek's & Co. for the editing