Ligorin Chicken is a chicken breed known by everyone for its egg production. Also friendly and easy to care for, Ligorin is a very suitable breed for those who are new to chicken keeping. Ligorin chicken, also known as Leghorn, is the most productive chicken breed that lays many eggs with little feed. Unfortunately, their annual egg production of up to 300 eggs has caused them to be used for industrial egg production rather than coops in the garden. Ligorin, which is the favorite chicken breed of the cage system egg chicken sector, has also adorned the coops of hobbyists with its colors such as silver, red, freckled, spotted, brown, Isabel, black, etc. other than its classic white color. Ligorin chicken has 17 color variants today. Ligorin chicken is among the most famous breeds. The reason why this chicken breed, whose origins are based on Italy, is famous is that its egg production is at a very high level. Ligorin chicken, which has a white, plain and nice feather structure, is a common chicken breed. It is among the chicken breeds that you can easily obtain in our country. Since it is not a very sensitive breed, it can be easily kept and raised in most environments. It is better than many chicken breeds in terms of durability, resistant to diseases and parasites, although there are better chicken breeds, this breed's durability level is still not bad. The Ligorin chicken breed is a breed of Italian origin, and is known as American origin because it is mostly raised and sold by Americans. Today, Ligorin chicken is raised in many countries of the world. The Ligorin chicken breed got its name from the city of Livorno in Italy. It is a breed with a very high egg yield, so Ligorin is a world-renowned chicken breed. Ligorin Appearance Features It is available in 17 different colors, primarily white. The comb, eye and beak areas are completely red. Its beak is strong and small. It is a medium-sized chicken breed. Its legs are featherless and yellow. It has a strong and large wing structure. It has a short tail structure. Ligorin Egg and Meat Production Features. Live Weight Rooster: 2 - 2.9 kg Live Weight Hen: 1.5 - 2.5 kg Number of Eggs: 250 - 300 per year. Egg Color: White. Egg Weight: 50 - 60 grams. Egg Laying Age: 4 - 6 Months. Breed-Specific Features It is a very active breed. Ligorin chickens are close to people. It is an alert breed, they love to find their own food. It is a chicken breed that is resistant to diseases and parasites... In this video, we introduce our hatching ligorin chicken coop and animals and announce that we have started the production of hatching ligorin eggs. If you want to obtain hatching ligorin eggs, produce your own chicks and feed them from these egg factory chickens, you can reach us via the communication resources below. You can ask us your questions about the subject and contact us via the comments section. Enjoy the movie. Original Ligorin egg for hatching: 10 TL per piece. We have 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30 egg sending trays. We ship safely to all over Turkey with cargo. The shipping fee belongs to the buyer. Depending on the distance, a shipping fee of 20-26 TL may apply. Whatsapp contact line for orders: 05068507930 Note: Only order messages are returned. Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/