Kaarakerho's debut video delves into fast charging for electric cars, and goes through everything you need to know so that anyone can charge on the road! ⚡ It's also worth subscribing to the channel, as more exciting electric car content is coming soon! Useful apps: Charging map: https://latauskartta.fi/ ABRP: https://abetterrouteplanner.com/ Charging network NOW! -FB group: / 243785839509365 Video parts: 0:00 Intro 0:23 What is DC charging? 1:08 Charging connectors 1:47 Charging speed 4:27 Paying for charging (+ Roaming) 6:11 Charging operators 6:52 Where to find chargers? 7:55 ABC-Lataus 9:19 Lidl 11:00 K-Lataus 11:57 Virta 12:51 Recharge 15:07 Tesla 15:48 Ionity 17:09 Neste 18:11 Charging label 20:28 Closing remarks We would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a like and even share the video with a friend! Thanks again for watching the video! Best regards, Miska and Henkka from Kaarakerho :)