We continue to collaborate with world-renowned physicians at our Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center, PARMER. With the participation of our Business Director Mr. Özer Koca, our Medical Director Prof. Dr. Orhan Gazi Yiğitbaşı and Parkinson's Surgery Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Zırh, we signed a new protocol with Prof. Dr. Alfonso Fasano, an expert in movement disorders. With the aim of PARMER hosting new technologies and transforming into a center where young physicians can come together with important names in the field of Parkinson's and Movement Disorders and gain experience, Prof. Dr. Alfonso Fasano, a lecturer at the University of Toronto Neurology Department, and with whom we signed a protocol, will accompany the new technologies to be offered to patients together with the PARMER team, while at the same time sharing his experiences with young neurosurgeons and neurologists who are trying to increase their knowledge and experience in movement disorders and functional brain surgery at certain periods. #Parkinson #MovementDisorders #PARMER #Medipol