A Malinois with boundless energy to channel! 2 sisters who try to do everything right in their dog's education, but who are starting to get overwhelmed... It's with Nala, Shirine and Kenza that Tony has an appointment to try to resolve the problems they encounter! Find Shirine and Kenza on their Youtube channel @shirinexkenza An Esprit Dog program ???? Special training for aggressive dogs https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ????The True/False of dogs, the first Esprit Dog book, is out! Find it on www.espritdog.com and in all the usual points of sale! Don't forget our training courses to train your dog! ???? Special training for senior dogs! https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ???? The only training method in the world, filmed with a puppy! https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ???? Easy and online training method for everyone https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ???????? Theoretical professional training for dog trainers https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ????⚕️ Online bite prevention training https://www.espritdog.com/prevention-... ????⚕️ Online first aid training for dogs https://www.espritdog.com/esprit-dog-... ???? Our social networks and platforms https://linktr.ee/EspritDog