It is impossible to catch crucian carp on a side nod from the ice, but we broke the ice and the crucian carp pecked on the nod. Fishing with a side nod attracts more than one fisherman, so we fell into the trap of fishing __________________________________________________________________________ Carp fishing rod with a nod https://artproduktion.com.ua/ua/p1832... Carp fishing rod - https://artproduktion.com.ua/ua/p1432... INTERKRIL bait - http://interkrill.com.ua Bags and covers - https://artproduktion.com.ua/ua/g1283... Thermos - https://artproduktion.com.ua/ua/p1096... __________________________________________________________________________ Forrest dishes https://l.flagman.ua/zh72n Azura Sawada bottom net https://l.flagman.ua/3kgxe Flagman fish bag https://l.flagman.ua/894nt Flagman Bologna rod https://l.flagman.ua/k84cw Flagman Sherman lead https://l.flagman.ua/jzvls Carp tent Pro https://l.flagman.ua/g6s84 Spod CARP PRO https://l.flagman.ua/285df Carp chair Carp Pro https://l.flagman.ua/pgby1 _________________________________________________________________________ Everything for a nod - https://artproduktion.com.ua/g9704933... Mormyshki - https://artproduktion.com.ua/p1161989... #Артурыч #РыбалкасАртурычем #Арт