I was maniacally buying up all the gold threads I saw at that time and I already had a huge collection! And yet I found my ideal, thin, strong, chic gold threads, which no one had ever woven with! (their price is also really golden ????). Threads from Chavin's Store https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6qg7pkfm... Threads from Impression Tree store https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6qnxgyw8... Meijiali threads https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6qvqcvqc... Sanbest 65-2 threads https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6qzdp2ms... Sanbest 32 threads https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6r4hppwg... Sanbest 37 threads https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6r69afn6... Sanbest 1565 threads https://aliclick.shop/r/c/1sl6rgxsnbz... Safira Silcomet threads https://market.yandex.ru/cc/VyqxEug Threads Aurora Ms-20 https://wildberries.ru/catalog/169000... Threads DMC diamant https://wildberries.ru/catalog/177839... Threads Calais (joint purchase in VK) https://vk.com/club224816327 My VK group: https://vk.com/moon_lace Telegram: https://t.me/moonlace_jewelry Not allowed: @moonlace_jewelry Website: https://moon-lace.ru/