Everything you need to know to successfully pass the Unified State Exam about the properties of water and the functions of minerals in a living cell. We immediately practice the entire theory on the Unified State Exam tasks from previous years ???????????????????? ???? If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with a hundred points, join us: https://stepenin.ru/go/iO5sHyah ⚡️???? Secret page for the Unified State Exam-2025 in biology: https://stepenin.ru/courses/bio-ege ???? Unified State Exam OPTIONS for solving on the website (many): https://stepenin.ru/tasks/bio-variants ???? VIDEO ANALYSIS of individual lines of tasks: https://stepenin.ru/tasks/bio-lines ???? Theory and practice to prepare for the Unified State Exam-2025: • Biology Unified State Exam-2025: all webinars and videos ???? Tasks on the lines of the Unified State Exam: • Tasks on the lines of the Unified State Exam =============================== Subscribe to our social networks: ???? VK biology: https://vk.com/bio4you ???? VK chemistry: https://vk.com/chem4you ✈️ Biological cart: https://t.me/bio4you ✈️ Chemical cart: https://t.me/chem4you_ege Our channel on chemistry: / @stepenin ================================== 00:00 Substances of the cell 02:33 Properties of water 16:19 Substances in relation to water 19:33 Functions of water 20:16 Analysis of tasks 26:31 Mineral substances 28:17 Potassium and sodium 30:07 Calcium 30:58 Magnesium 31:22 Phosphorus 33:17 Sulfur 34:28 Iodine 34:53 Chlorine 35:10 Iron 36:15 Analysis of tasks #biologyEGE #EGE2025